About us

Our mission is to support talented individuals to learn about and work in VC and, in doing so, improve the inclusiveness of the Venture Capital industry.

What is Future VC?

Future VC is an internship and development programme which supports access to the Venture Capital industry.

As well as paid placements at some of the top funds in Europe and the US, participants attend a series of unique masterclasses given by industry leaders that cover key knowledge areas required in VC.

We also provide targeted personal development sessions equipping our interns with soft skills that will help them thrive in any professional role, VC or otherwise.

Recruiting preparation with interview practice, networking sessions, presenting, and advice from VC executive search specialists is provided to help them find those roles.

Between the placements, masterclasses, personal development sessions, and preparation for job hunting we aim to equip our interns with a complete theoretical and practical understanding of what a career in VC involves and the skills needed to get started.

Why is Future VC important?

Our own research shows that today’s London VC industry is 71% male, 74% white, and that 20% of VC professionals attended one of four universities – Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, or Harvard.


Identify as Male




Attended one of 4 universities

Figures from other organisations suggest that figures in other parts of the world are similar if not worse. 

Whatever country you work in, VCs operate within their own networks and any founder coming from backgrounds not represented in the VC community will find it significantly harder to find investment. This system goes some way to explain the lack of diversity we see worldwide in today’s tech industry.

Lack of representation makes no sense at a fund level or in its portfolio. It has been widely shown that diverse start-ups are stronger investments and investment teams representing a wider portion of society have higher success rates of acquisitions and IPOs. As an LP you are more likely to get a good return if you invest in a diverse VC team yet funds still struggle to access the talent they need to widen their networks and create a representative investment team. That’s where we come in.

Our Impact

In 2018 we launched our first Future VC programme, a paid internship for 30 individuals drawn from a far wider demographic than is found in the VC industry. In 3.5 weeks, we received 850+ applicants who were. We’ve gone from strength to strength ever since.






First in family to go to University


Socio-economically disadvantaged



Our Values

Our mission is to support talented individuals learn about and work in VC, and in doing so improve the inclusiveness of the Venture Capital industry.

The Future VC Programme

Future VC provides access and career opportunities to Venture Capital via our internship and development programme. As well as paid internships at some of the top funds in Europe and the US, participants attend a series of unique masterclasses given by industry leaders that cover key knowledge areas required in VC.